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FarmVille Legends Stevie's Snowball War Quests Master Guide!

Posted by Rahib Aly Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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FarmVille Stevie's Snowball War Quests IconStevie's Snowball War Quest
FarmVille Stevie's Snowball War Quests Master Guide is Here! Below You will find their Rewards with Some Nice Tips to Complete These Quests Faster and Easier!
Expected duration of the quests is from 29th November 2012, to 13th December, 2012

Note: Quest can be carried out on all farms, are repeatable, and don’t have any request links… Requirements can change at any time without notice as and how Zynga updates them… Images will only show up when they are available in the game files…
Quest Story: The Annual Snowball fight is about to take place and little Stevie needs your help in winning the event. Am sure you will help, and also have some fun...
Quests Info
Quest Icon The Ammo Item to Ask Reward
Quest 1 1. Get 6 Snowball Makers
2. Harvest 50 Wheat (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Pet Run Twice
Snowball Maker
Quest Tips: Crop Alternative: Red Wheat (3 Days)... Snowball Makers Snow Battle Duck

Quest Icon Take Cover Item to Ask Reward
Quest 2 1. Get 7 Bunker Plans
2. Harvest 75 Aloe Vera (6 Hrs)
3. Harvest Snow Battle Duck Twice
Bunker Plan image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: Super Aloe Vera (6 Hrs)… Harvest Duck in Aviary or Duck Pond… Bunker Plans Book of XP

Quest Icon Shields Up! Item to Ask Reward
Quest 3 1. Get 8 Shields
2. Harvest 100 Red Tulip (1 Day)
3. Craft an Arborist (Craftshop)
Shield image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: None… Shields Snow Bunker

Quest Icon The Element of Surprise Item to Ask Reward
Quest 4 1. Get 9 Flare Guns
2. Harvest 125 Grapes (1 Day)
3. Master Snow Battle Duck to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Flare Gun image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: Frozen Grapes (1 Day), White Grapes (12 Hrs), Super Grapes (1 Day), Zinfandel (1 Day) & Chardonnay (10 Hrs), Amethyst Grape (1 Day)… Harvest Duck in Aviary or Duck Pond… Flare Guns Mystery Game Dart

Quest Icon Sound the Horn! Item to Ask Reward
Quest 5 1. Get 9 Battle Horns
2. Harvest 150 Tomato (8 Hrs)
3. Craft a Farmhand (Craftshop)
Battle Horn
Quest Tips: Crop alternative: Purple Tomato (4 Hrs)... Battle Horns Snow Battle Cow

Quest Icon Arms Race Item to Ask Reward
Quest 6 1. Get 9 Snowball Blasters
2. Harvest 150 Sugar Cane (8 Hrs)
3. Harvest Snow Battle Cow Twice
Snowball Blaster image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternative: Golden Sugar Cane (1 Day)… Harvest Cow in Pasture or Dairy… Snowball Blasters Snow Catapult

Quest Icon Snow Bow Item to Ask Reward
Quest 7 1. Get 10 Snowball Crossbows
2. Harvest 150 Lavender
3. Harvest Dragon's Lair Twice
Snowball Crossbow image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: None… Snowball Crossbows Snow Sargeant

Quest Icon Snowzooka! Item to Ask Reward
Quest 8 1. Get 11 Snowzookas
2. Harvest 150 Rice (12 Hrs)
3. Master Snow Battle Cow to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Snowzooka image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: Double Grain (12 Hrs), Iced Rice (12 Hrs), Sticky Rice (1 Day), Imperial Rice (4 Hrs), Jasmine Rice (8 Hrs), Brown Rice (12 Hrs)… Harvest Cow in Pasture or Dairy Snowzookas Unwither x3

Quest Icon Truce Item to Ask Reward
Quest 9 1. Get 12 Hot Cocoa
2. Harvest 200 Carrots (12 Hrs)
3. Craft a Fertilize All (Craftshop)
Hot Cocoa image
Quest Tips: Crop Alternatives: Carrotcicle (12 hrs), Heirloom Carrot(12 hrs), Forbidden Carrot (24 hrs)… Hot Cocoa Snow Battle Dragon
Bushels Needed: 3 Peanuts, 4 Morning Glory, 2 Orange Baskets, 4 Cotton, 3 Soybean, 1 Cherry Basket, 2 Manure Bags, 4 Carrot, 3 Chickpea Bushels

Note:  As quest is active for all farms, make sure you plan and plant the crops for the quests across the farms for better planning... More tips and details will be added as and when they are found out... Stay Tuned With FvLegends.Com... and join us our Facebook Group and Fan Page.

Rahib Aly | 3:28 PM | | |
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