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The Future of FarmVille Farms: The more, the merrier or too much work?

Posted by Rahib Aly Saturday, April 7, 2012

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As FarmVille Player, we are no stranger to hard work. Even though we get our farm on through keyboards and computers without breaking a sweat, we know that farming, even the virtual kind, can be a labor of love. We are currently working on five FarmVille farms and maintaining all of them can be quite the full-time job. As FarmVille releases more destination farms, it seems as though this is where the future of FarmVille is going. As one destination farm wraps up, another new destination farm is introduced. Recently, on FvLegends we discussed the rumors of the next destination farm on the horizon. The sixth FarmVille destination farm is rumored to be in the setting of Asia and possibly Japan. You can read more about that by visiting this FarmVille Legends article here.

We know what some of you are thinking- laboring and toiling over another farm sounds like way too much for you to handle. After all, there is only so much time in a day! I mean, hello, some of us have regular jobs outside of FarmVille. And let’s face it, as much as we love virtual farming, it’s hard to pay your bills with Farm Coins. I digress. Perhaps you find yourself giddy over the mere idea of another new farm in the sweet escape of FarmVille. A new land to explore, new prizes to uncover, and new crops to master. Most players seem split between two sides: over-worked disgruntled farmer or over-achiever up for any challenge. Where do you find yourself … do you welcome the idea of the more farms or do you dread the thought of working another farm? Naturally, as FarmVille Legends, we say bring it on! Even if we can’t work all of our farms on a daily basis, we like the idea of having more FarmVille farms and having that option available. I know that many of you are already feeling overworked and maybe even overwhelmed, but it is helpful to remember- no one is breaking your wrist to farm and certainly won’t be forcing you to accept the challenge of working another new farm.

As FarmVille bombards us with new farms, endless quests, and never-ending construction projects we often forget that everything in FarmVille is optional. Ignoring the quests is okay! What’s that you say? You can just completely ignore them and go about your farming? Of course. Many FarmVille Players love questing, others hate it, and there are still many more that fall in between. Some find peace in questing only when they find the prizes interesting enough or worthy of their time and effort. So if you aren’t up to questing just ignore those beckoning quest icons begging for your attention and carry on. Likewise, failing to participate in the latest collection event is fine too. And if getting back to the basics of mastering crops suits your fancy, so be it.

Sometimes we forget that this is a game and every person should find their own enjoyment in playing it, whatever that happens to be for you is your choice. It’s perfectly acceptable to say no or work your little fingers off completing those quests before they expire (and maybe even doing them a second time for their rewards). But when it comes to new farms ignoring their existence may prove more difficult.  Who can say no to free farmland? We’ve all heard of those farmers that refused to travel to Hawaiian Paradise (even with free access) but we wonder how many of them actually did so.  Asian Farm?!?!! Yes, please. We think of additional destination farms as little virtual real estate gifts from Zynga. And frankly, it’s hard saying no to free property, even if it is just virtual.

What about you, will you say “No” to more FarmVille farms or are you ready for the challenge?

Take our FarmVille Legends Poll below!

Rahib Aly | 2:34 PM | | |
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