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FarmVille Gopher Garden & Time Machine Crop Mastery Glitch Alert!

Posted by Rahib Aly Sunday, November 25, 2012

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Are you frustrated with the difficulty of obtaining seeds to master the Gopher Garden & Time Machine Crop Mastery? Well thanks to one of our FarmVille Legend! we have news of a Mastery glitch that makes it much easier. Check out the details below and please do share with friends if you find the post helpful. and Like our Fan Page for more FarmVille updates.
FarmVille gopher garden crops are Here FvLegends
The gophers give you only twenty seeds for each you catch and of course their appearance of random. Mastering the crops could take a while. If you are a user of FarmVilleExpress via your smartphone or tablet there is a convenient workaround. Simply  harvest those crops via FVexpress  and you will automatically be given the opportunity to replant. Make sure to use a bushel for faster mastery.
FarmVille gopher garden crops on express plant FvLegends
If you select the harvest and replant option, not the harvest and replant all  it will cost only coins. At the time this screenshot was taken, the option to replant all remained, despite no seeds remaining in inventory.
The glitch for the Time Machine crops is even better! You do not even need to have seeds in inventory, you can simply plant and harvest from the market as a normal crop with FarmvilleExpress. You do not even have to have the seed unlocked. This was confirmed by planting Cherry Blossoms to mastery without even collecting enough gyroscopes to unlock the Japanese section of the Time Machine.
It is unconfirmed at this time whether or not this workaround also applies to the Flame Peppers from Sally’s Seed Shop. We will update this post if we do get confirmation of this.

Rahib Aly | 1:53 AM | | | |
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