FarmVille New Craftshop Recipes Added: Yellow Racer, Dainty Fence, Iron Fence, Puppy Kibble, Dog Treat, Moat I-IV, Moat Corner I-IV, & Castle Bridge
Along with some other cosmetic and functional changes, FarmVille has added new Crafting Recipes to our FarmVille Craftshops.
Along with some other cosmetic and functional changes, FarmVille has added new Crafting Recipes to our FarmVille Craftshops.
The new recipes include some new items that might entice you into taking that Craftshop out of storage and start using it for what it was intended for- crafting!
Along with some new Fencery and Moat recipes there are also recipes for some items such as Puppy Kibble and Dog Treats that FarmVille Dog owners may appreciate so that they can keep their canine happy and fed. There is also a recipe for a brand new Yellow Racer vehicle.
FarmVille Craftshop Recipes (Released: July 27, 2011)
- FarmVille Yellow Racer Recipe
- FarmVille Dainty Fence
- FarmVille Iron Fence
- FarmVille Puppy Kibble
- FarmVille Dog Treat
- FarmVille Moats
- FarmVille Castle Bridge
- FarmVille Yellow Racer Craftshop Recipe
Requirements: 4 Manure Bags, 10 Coffee Bushels, and 6 Pepper Bushels
Time: 12 hours
Time: 12 hours
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